
Friday, May 20, 2011

Winter Nights

Sunlight is disappearing
Leaving beautiful night in its wake
The days are getting colder
The snow is almost here
Oh, I do love this time of year
Wrapped up by the fire
Reading all the books I dare
Sipping my whisky,
Enjoying the warmth it brings
My cat on my lap, purring loud
As the night gets darker
The moon clear and bright in the sky
As I sit writing this, I couldn’t wish for more
Right now, this moment, I’m in bliss
Oh, how I love this time of year

The Choice

I don’t know how to live
I have so much love to give
Although no one to give it to
My friends left me too
I think I should quit
I don’t like life a bit
I’ve thought about this before
I’ll never be anything more
Just a pathetic waste of space
No one wants to see my face
Everyday I think about death
As I work my way through the meth
Now, more than ever before
I am welcoming death to my door
Over the ridge
Up to the bridge
The water is cold and rocky below
I will be gone in a single blow
There’s no written letter
This way it’s better
The wind blows in my eyes
Drowning out my dreadful cries
I look down and close my eyes
I’ve finally made the choice to die


God I hate being broke
The money I have is a joke
No money for food, nor for rent
Everything I have is spent
Working this crappy job, day by day
Getting hardly any pay
I can’t live like this
What do I have to miss
The knife is in my drawer
Plunge it deep, fall to the floor
The pain will soon end
Can’t live with no money to spend
On the counter is a note
It says the explanation is in the poems i wrote
Just read them and you’ll understand
Life without money is something I can’t stand


The sun is out; hot
Lying on the beach; toes in the sand
Just relaxing; watching the people
Girls prance in bikinis; so hot
Guys show off their muscles
Just begging to be touched
The water is nice; refreshing
How I love the summer
Don’t have a care in the world
Could stay here forever
Until summer comes to an end
And the waiting begins